Mark Wickens

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(from Part 6 of the Casio FX-850P Owners Manual. )

Standard BASIC is employed as the programming language for this unit, and this section covers application of the BASIC language.

Features of BASIC

  1. BASIC is much easier to use than other programming languages such as FORTRAN, making it suitable even for novices.
  2. Writing programs is also easier because program creation, editing and execution are all performed by interacting with the computer itself.

The following functions are also available:

  1. High-precision calculations are made possible by display of numeric values with 10-digit mantissas and 2-digit exponents (13-digit mantissa and 2-digit exponent for internal operations).
  2. A wide selection of built-in functions makes operation easier.
  3. 10 independent program areas Up to ten programs can be stored independently in memory at the same time (P0~9).
  4. Extended variable names. Variable names up to 15 characters long can be used, making it possible to use names that make contents easy to understand.
  5. Powerful debugging function A TRON command displays the number of the program line currently being executed, making it possible to easily trace execution and locate mistakes in programming.
  6. Powerful screen editor Programs can be easily modified and corrected on the screen.
  7. Virtual screen function Though the actual physical display of the unit has a 32-column x 2-line capacity, the virtual screen is 32 columns x 8 lines. The virtual screen can easily scrolled using the cursor keys.
             ⎧│1 AAAA                          │ 
             ⎪│2 BBBB                          │
             ⎪│3 CCCC                          │
    Virtual  ⎨│4 DDDDD_                        │⎫ Actual screen
    Screen   ⎪│5 EEEEE                         │⎭ (2-lines)
    (8 lines)⎪├────────────────────────────────┤
             ⎪│6 FFFFF                         │
             ⎪│7 GGGGG                         │
             ⎩│8 HHHHHH                        │
  8. Expanded file management Such standard BASIC commands as OPEN, CLOSE, INPUT# AND PRINT# are all available for data file reading and writing.


BASIC Program Format

The following is a typical BASIC program which calculates the volume of a cylinder.


  20  R=15
  30  INPUT "H=";H
  40  V=PI*R^2*H
  50  PRINT "V=";V
  60 END

As can be seen, the BASIC program is actually a collection of lines (six lines in the above program). A line can be broken down into a line number and a statement.

  20  R=15
  └┘  └─┬┘
  Line  Statement

Computers execute programs in the order of their line numbers. In the sample program listed above, the execution sequence is 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60. Program lines can be input into the computer in any sequence, and the computer automatically arranges the program within its memory in order from the smallest line number to the highest. Lines can be numbered using any value from 1 through to 65535.

  20  R=15                 10  REM CYLINDER
  40  V=PI*R^2*H           20  R=15
  60  END             →    30  INPUT "H=";H
  10  REM CYLINDER         40  V=PI*R^2*H
  30  INPUT "H=";H         50  PRINT "V=";V
  50  PRINT "V=";V         60  END
      Input sequence           Memory contents

Following the line number is a statement or statements which actually tell the computer which operation to perform. The following returns to the sample program to explain each statement in detail.

10  REM CYLINDER   ...REM stands for "remarks". Nothing in this line is executed.
20  R=15           ...Assigns constant 15 (radius) to variable R.
30  INPUT "H=";H   ...Displays H ? to prompt a value input for height.
40  V=PI*R^2*H     ...Calculates volume (V) of cylinder.
50  PRINT "V=";V   ...Prints result of line 40
60  END            ...Ends the program.

As can be seen, a mere six lines of programming handles quite a bit of data. Multiple BASIC program lines can also be linked into a single line using colons.


  100  R=15:A=7:B=8

Such a program line is known as a “multi-statement”. Details concerning the other operations contained in the above program can be found in other sections.



First switch the power of the computer ON. At this time the display will appear as illustrated below.

        │ CAPS CAL      DEG              │
        │ _                              │
        │                                │

This is the CAL mdoe, so the operation MODE 1 should first be performed to allow input of BASIC programs. The display should now appear as illustrated below.

        │ CAPS    BASIC DEG              │
        │ P 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   3536B  │
        │ Ready P0                       │
                            (21456B in the case of the FX-880P)

Note that the indicator CAL has been replaced by BASIC to indicate the BASIC mode. This is the mode used for BASIC program input. The other indicators on the display in the BASIC mode have the following meanings.

P: Program area

0~9: Program area numbers. The numbers of program areas which already contain programs are replaced by asterisks.


Program stored in area 3

        │ CAPS    BASIC DEG              │
        │ P 0 1 2 * 4 5 6 7 8 9   3521B  │
        │ Ready P0                       │
                            (21441B in the case of the FX-880P)

3536B: Capacity (number of bytes) remaining in area for writing programs and data (free area). The value will be 3538B (FX-850P), and 21456B (FX-880P) when there are no programs or data stored in memory, with this value decreasing as storage space is used.

Ready P0: Current program area=area 0. The current program area can be switched by pressing SHIFT followed by the desired program area.


Switching to program area 5 using SHIFT P5

        │ CAPS    BASIC DEG              │
        │ P 0 1 2 * 4 5 6 7 8 9   3521B  │
        │ Ready P0                       │
                            (21441B in the case of the FX-880P)

Previously stored programs can be deleted using one of two different procedures:

NEW: Deletes program stored in current program area only. NEW ALL: Clears all programs stored in memory.


Entering NEW ALL

        │ CAPS    BASIC DEG              │
        │ P 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   3536B  │
        │ Ready P0                       │
                            (21456B in the case of the FX-880P)

The operation clears all programs stored in memory and returns current program area to 0.

Program Input

The following input procedure inputs the sample program for calculation of a cylinder.


20 R=15EXE





Note that the EXE key is pressed at the end of each line. A program line is not entered into memory unless the *EXE key is pressed.


The one-key BASIC commands help to make program input even easier.


Line 30 input.


Program Editing

The procedure used for making corrections or changes to program depends upon what step of program input the changes are to be made.

  1. Changes in the line before EXE is pressed
  2. Changes in a line after EXE is pressed
  3. Changes within a program already input
  4. Changes within a program following the EDIT command

1. Changes in a line before EXE is pressed


20 E=15 mistakenly input for 20 R=15

        │ 10 REM CYLINDER                │
        │ 20 E=15                        │
        │        ¯                       │
        │ 10 REM CYLINDER                │
←←←←    │ 20 E=15                        │ (Move cursor to E)
        │    ¯                           │
        │ 10 REM CYLINDER                │
R       │ 20 R=15                        │ (Input corrected character)
        │     ¯                          │
EXE     │ 20 R=15                        │ (Editing complete)
        │ ¯                              │

Note that once the desired changes are made, the EXE key must be pressed to store the entered line in memory.

2. Changes in a line after EXE is pressed


40 V=P1*R^2*H mistakenly input for 40 V=PI*R^2*H

        │ 40 V=P1*R^2*H                  │
        │                                │
        │ ¯                              │
        │ 40 V=P1*R^2*H                  │
        │       ¯                        │(Move cursor to 1)
        │                                │
        │ 40 V=PI*R^2*H                  │
I       │        ¯                       │ (Input correct character)
        │                                │
        │ 40 V=PI*R^2*H                  │
EXE     │                                │ (Editing complete)
        │ ¯                              │

Again, the EXE key must be pressed to store the corrected line into memory after changes are made.

Procedures 1 and 2 show the procedures for simple exchanges of one character for another.

Characters can also be inserted and deleted using the following procedures.

i) Insert

40 V=PI*R2*H mistakenly input for 40 V=PI*R^2*H

          │ 40 V=P1*R2*H                   │
          │            ¯                   │
          │                                │
          │ 40 V=P1*R2*H                   │
   ←←←←←  │          ¯                     │(Move cursor to location
          │                                │ of insertion)
          │ 40 V=P1*R 2*H                  │
INS       │          ¯                     │(Open one space)
          │                                │
          │ 40 V=P1*R^2*H                  │
^ EXE     │                                │(Input correct character
          │ ¯                              │ and press EXE)

ii) Delete

40 V=PI*RR^2*H mistakenly input for 40 V=PI*R^2*H

          │ 40 V=P1*RR^2*H                 │
          │               ¯                │
          │                                │
          │ 40 V=P1*RR^2*H                 │
   ←←←←←  │          ¯                     │(Move cursor to charac-
          │                                │ ter to be deleted)
          │ 40 V=P1*R2*H                   │
SHIFT DEL │          ¯                     │(Delete character)
          │                                │
          │ 40 V=P1*R^2*H                  │
EXE       │                                │(Editing complete)
          │ ¯                              │

The BS key works similarly to the SHIFT DEL operation. The difference between the two operations is as follows.

Difference Between SHIFT DEL and BS

3. Changes within a program already input

The LIST command displays the program stored in the current program area from beginning to end.

         │ 10 REM CYLINDER                │
LIST EXE │ 20 R=15                        │
         │ 60 END                         │
         │ Ready P0                       │

The last line of the program is displayed when the LIST operation is completed.

              │ 10 REM CYLINDER                │
     ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ │ 20 R=15                        │

The 8-line virtual screen of the computer now makes it possible to use the cursor keys to scroll to preceding lines not shown on the display.

                ┬  Ready P0
                │  10 REM CYLINDER
                │  20 R=15
                │  30 INPUT "H=";H
                ││ 40 V=PI*R^2*H                  ││2-line display
(8-line virtual ││ 50 PRINT "V=";V                ││↑ ↓ move display
screen)         │└────────────────────────────────┘┴
                │ 60 END
                ┴ 70 Ready P0

When a program greater than eight lines is stored in memory, the LIST operation should be performed by specifying the line numbers to be displayed.


Displaying from line 110 to line 160 on the virtual screen.

LIST 110-160 EXE

                ┬  LIST 110-160
                │  110 A=1
                │  120 FOR I=1 TO 100
                │  130 B=LOG(I)
                │  140 PRINT B
                │  150 NEXT I
                ││ 160 E=A*B                      ││2-line display
(8-line virtual ││ Ready P0                       ││
screen)         ┴└────────────────────────────────┘┴

Changes can be made in a program displayed by the LIST operation by using the same procedures outlined for 1 and 2 above.

NOTE: the BRK key can be used to terminate the LIST operation. The STOP key suspends the operation, and listing can be resumed by pressing EXE.

4. Changes within a program following the EDIT command

The EDIT command makes it easier to edit or review programs already stored in memory.

         │ CAPS    BASIC DEG      EDIT    │
EDIT EXE │ 10 REM CYLINDER                │
         │ 20 R=15                        │

From this display, ↓ (or EXE) advances to the following line, while ↑ (or SHIFT EXE) returns to the previous line.

         │ 30 INPUT "H=";H                │(Displays lines 30
↓↓       │ 40 V=PI+R^2*H                  │ and 40)

Here, a correction will be made in line 40.

         │ 40 V=PI+R^2*H                  │(Displays lines 40
↓        │ 50 PRINT "V=";V                │ upper line of display)
         │ 40 V=PI+R^2*H                  │(Enables program
→        │ ¯                              │ editing)
→→→→→→→ * EXE
         │ 40 V=PI+R^2*H                  │(Correction)
         │ 50 PRINT "V=";V                │
BRK      │ Ready P0                       │(BRK key exits
         │                                │ EDIT mode)


Program Execution

Once a BASIC program is stored in memory, it can be executed using one of the two following procedures.

  1. Using SHIFT (program area) in CAL mode EXAMPLE: SHIFT 9 Executes the program in program area 9.
  2. Entering RUN command in BASIC mode EXAMPLE: RUN EXE Executes the program in the current program area.

Execute the program input in the previous section to determine the volume of a cylinder with a height of 10 (radius fixed as 15).

RUN EXE  │ RUN                            │(Executes program)
         │ H=?                            │
         │    ¯                           │
10 EXE   │ H=?10                          │(Corresponding volume
         │ V= 7068.583471                 │ displayed when height
         │    ¯                           │ is entered)
EXE      │ V= 7068.583471                 │
         │ Ready P0                       │
         │ ¯                              │

Display of the volume when this program is executed causes the STOP symbol to appear in the upper right of the display. This symbol indicates that program execution has been suspended because of execution of the PRINT command. Program execution can be resumed at this time by pressing the EXE key again. Edning a PRINT statement with a semicolon causes execution to continue when the PRINT statement is executed, causing the display of the next PRINT statement to appear immediatly following the previous display.


10  PRINT "BASIC   "
30  END

Execution of this program results in the following display.

RUN EXE  │ RUN                            │
         │ BASIC                          │
EXE      │ BASIC                          │
         │ PROGRAM                        │
EXE      │ PROGRAM                        │
         │ Ready P0                       │
         │ ¯                              │


10  PRINT "BASIC   ";
30  END

Including a semicolon at the end of the first PRINT statement produces the following display.

RUN EXE  │ RUN                            │
         │ BASIC PROGRAM                  │
EXE      │ BASIC PROGRAM                  │
         │ Ready P0                       │
         │ ¯                              │


At times, the results produced by a program are not what is expected. Such irregular executions can be broadly divided under two major classifications.

  1. Executions that produce errors Simple programming errors Program logic errors

  2. Irregular execution that do not produced errors Mostly program logic errors

1. Executions that produce errors

i) Simple programming errors

This is the most common type of program error and is generally caused by mistakes in program syntax. Such errors result in the following message being displayed:

SN error P0--10

This message indicates that a syntax error has been detected in line 10 of the program stored in program area 0. The indicated program line should be checked and corrected to allow proper execution.

ii) Program logic errors

This type of error is generally caused by such illegal operations as division by zero or LOG(0). Such errors result in the following message being displayed:

MA error P0--10

As before, this message indicates that a mathematical error has been detected in line 10 of the program stored in program area 0. In this case, however, program lines related to the indicated program line as well as indicated program line itself should be examined and corrected. When an error message is displayed, the following operations can be used to display the line number in which the error was detected.



2. Irregular execution that does not produce errors

Such errors are also caused by a flaw in the program, and must be corrected by executing the LIST or EDIT command to examine the program to detect the problem. The TRON command can also be used to help trace the execution of the program.

Entering TRON EXE causes the TR symbol to appear on the display to indicate that the trace mode is ON. Now executing a BASIC program displays the program area and line number as execution is performed, and halts execution until EXE is pressed. This allows confirmation of each program line, making it possible to quickly identify problem lines. Executing TROFF EXE cancels the trace mode.


Though there are a variety of commands available in BASIC for use in programs, the nine fundamental commands listed below are the most widely used.

The following program reads data items contained within the program itself, with the number of data items read being determined by input from an operator. The operator may input any value, but note that values greater than 5 are handled as 5 (because there are only 5 data items in line 180). The program then displays the sum of the data read from line 180, followed by the square root and cube root of the sum. Program execution is terminated when a zero is entered by the operator.

10  S=0                       ... Clears current total assigned to S
20  RESTORE                   ... Specifies read operation should begin with first data item
30  INPUT N                   ... Input number of data items to be read
40  IF N>5 THEN N=5           ... Input of value > 5 should be treated as 5
50  IF N=0 THEN GOTO 130      ... Jump to line 130 when input is zero
60  FOR I=1 TO N ─────────────┐      
70  READ X           data read├ This section repeated the number of times
80  S=S+X     sum of data calc│ specified by operator input in line 30
90  NEXT I ───────────────────┘
100 GOSUB 140                 ... Branch to subroutine starting from line 140
110 PRINT S; Y; Z             ... Displays contents of variables S, Y, Z
120 GOTO 10                   ... Jump to line 10
130 END                       ... Program end
150 Y=SQR S                   ... Square root calculation
160 Z=CUR S                   ... Cube root calculation
170 RETURN                    ... Return to the statement following the statement
                                  which called the subroutine
180 DATA 9,7,20,28,36         ... Data read by READ statement in line 70


The REM command (line 140) is actually short for the word “remarks”. The computer disregards anything following a REM command, and so it is used for such purposes as labels in order to make the program list itself easier to follow. Note that a single quotation mark ( SHIFT ,) can be used in place of the letters “REM”.


The INPUT command (line 30) is used to allow input from the computer’s keyboard during program execution. The data input are assigned to a variable immediately following the INPUT command. In the above example, input numeric data are assigned to the variable N. Note that a string variable must be used for string input.


10  INPUT A$     ... string input


The PRINT command (line 110) is used to display data on the computer’s display. In this example, this command is used to display the results of the sum, square root and cube root calculations. When the data are displayed, the STOP symbol appears and program execution is suspended. Execution can be resumed by pressing the EXE key.


The END command (line 130) brings execution of the program to an end, and can be included anywhere within a program.


the IF~THEN command (lines 40 and 50) is used for comparisons of certain conditions, basing the next operation upon whether the comparison turns out to be true or false. Line 40 checks whether or not value assigned to n is greater than 5, and assigns a value of 5 to N when the original value is greater. When a value of 5 or less is originally assigned to N, execution proceeds to the next line, with N retaining its original value. Line 50, checks whether the value assigned to N is zero. In the case of zero, program execution jumps to line 130, while execution proceeds to the next line (line 60) when N is any other value besides zero.


The GOTO command (lines 50 and 120) performs a jump to a specified line number or program area. The GOTO statement in line 120 is an unconditional jump, in that execution always returns to line 10 of the program whenever line 120 is executed. The GOTO statement in line 50, on the other hand, is a conditional jump, because the condition of the IF~THEN statement must be met before the jump to line 130 is made.


The FOR/NEXT combination (lines 60 and 90) forms a loop. All of the statements within the loop are repeated the number of times specified by a value following the word TO in the FOR statement. In the example being discussed here, the loop is repeated N number of times, with the value of N being entered by the operator in line 30.


These statements (lines 70, 180, 20) are used when the amount of data to be handled is too large to require keyboard input with every execution. In this case, data are included within the program itself. The READ command assigns data to variables, the DATA statement holds the data to be read, and the RESTORE command in line 20 always returns the next read position to the first data item, the READ statement never runs out of data to read.


The GOSUB/RETURN commands (lines 100 and 170) are used for branching t and from subroutines. Subroutines (lines 140 through 170) are actually mini programs within the main program, and usually represent routines which are performed repeatedly at different locations within the main program. This means that GOSUB/RETURN makes it possible to write the repeated operation once, as a subroutine, instead of writing each time it is needed within the main program.


120  GOSUB 1000
370  GOSUB 1000

Execution of the RETURN statement at the end of a subroutine returns execution of the program back to the statement following the GOSUB command. In this sample program, execution returns to line 110 after the RETURN in line 170 is executed.


The following are the operators used for calculations which involve variables.

Operators ─┬─ Arithmetic operators   Signs                     +, -
           │                         Addition                  +
           │                         Subtraction               -
           │                         Multiplication            *
           │                         Division                  / 
           │                         Power                     ^
           │                         Integer division          ¥
           │                         Integer remainder of
           │                         Integer division          MOD
           ├─ Relational operators   Equal to                  =
           │                         Does not equal            <>, ><
           │                         Less than                 <
           │                         Greater than              >
           │                         Less than or equal to     <=, =<
           │                         Greater than or equal to  >=, =>
           ├─ Logical operators      Negation                  NOT
           │                         Logical product           AND
           │                         Logical sum               OR
           │                         Exclusive OR              XOR
           └─ String operator                                  +

1. Arithmetic Operators (+, -, *, /, ^, ¥, MOD)


-15 ¥ 7 = -2
-15 MOD 7 = 1        -15÷7=-2 .... -1
                           └┬┘     └┬┘
                          -15¥7   -15MOD7   

2. Relational Operators (=, <>, ><, <, >, =<, <=, =>, >=)

Relational operations can be performed only when the operators are both strings or numeric values.

With strings, character codes are compared one-by-one from the beginning of the strings. This is to say that the first position of a string A is compared with the first position of string B, the second position of string A with the second position of string B, etc. The result of the comparison is based upon the character codes of the first difference between the strings detected, regardless of the length of the strings being compared.


   STRING A         STRING B       RESULT
     ABC              ABC            A=B
     ABC             ABCDE           A<B
     ABC              XYZ            A<B  (character code for A less
                                           than that for X)
     XYZ             ABCDE           A>B  (character code for X 
                                           greater than that for A)


10  PRINT 10>3           ... -1 returned because 10>3 is true
20  PRINT 7<1            ... 0 returned because 7<1 is fals
30  PRINT "ABC" = "XYZ"  ... 0 returned because ABC=XYZ is false
40  END

3. Logical Operators

The operands of logical operations are truncated to integers and the operation performed bit-by-bit to obtain the result.


0 1
1 0

Logical product

0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

Logical sum

0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

Exclusive OR

0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 0

4. String Operators (+)

Strings may be concatenated using a + sign. The result of the operation (including intermediate results) may not exceed 255 characters.


A$ = "AD" + "1990"

The above example results in the string “AD1990” being assigned to variable A$.

Order of Operations

Arithmetic, relational and logical operations are performed in the following order of precedence:

  1. (,)
  2. Scientific function
  3. Power
  4. Sign (+, -)
  5. *, /, ¥, MOD
  6. Addition and subtraction
  7. Relational operators
  8. NOT
  9. AND
  10. OR, XOR

Operations are performed from left to right when the order of precedence is identical.

Constants and Variables


The following shows the constants included in the sample program:

PROGRAM                 CONSTANTS
20  R=15                    15
30  INPUT "H="; H          "H="
40  V=PI*R^2*H              2
50  PRINT "V="; V          "V="

Of these, 15 and 2 are numeric constants, while “H=” and “V=” are string constants.

Numeric Constants

Numeric Notation

➀ Decimal notation

➁ Hexadecimal notation

Numeric Value Precision

➀ Internal numeric operations 12-digit mantissa, 2-digit exponent (PI=11 digits: 3.1415926536; displayed in 10 digits: 3.141592654)

➁ Results 10-digit mantissa, 2-digit exponent (exponent rounded to 10 digits)

➂ Number of characters per line 255 characters per line

➃ Result Display

Integers less than 1x10¹⁰    : Integer display

Decimal portion less than 11 digits : Decimal display

Other : Exponential display

Display rounding : Results are rounded off at the 10th digit and displayed.

String Constants

Strings within quotation marks (i.e. “ABC”, “H=”)

Closing quotation marks at the end of a line may be omitted (10 PRINT "TEST" can be written `10 PRINT “TEST)

Multiple strings can be connected with a “+” sign.


Numeric Variables

The following shows the numeric variables include in the sample program on page 46:

20  R=15                   R
30  INPUT "H=";H           H
40  V=PI*R^2*H             V

Numeric variables are so named because their contents are handled as numbers. Numeric variable names can be up to 15 characters long, and are used within programs to store calculation results or constants in memory. In the sample program, the value 15 is stored in H, while V, which is the result of the calculation, holds the value which represents the volume of the cylinder. As can be seen, assignment to a variable is performed using the “=” symbol. This differs from an equal sign in that it declares that what is to the right should be assigned to what is to the left. Actually, a variable can be thought of as a kind of box as illustrated below:

     ┌───┐               ┌───┐
15 → │ R │    PI*R^2*H → │ V │   
     └───┘               └───┘ 

String variables

Another type of variable is known as a string variable, which is used to store character data. String variable names are indicated by “$” following the name.


10  A$ = "AD"           ... Assigns "AD" to string variable A$.
20  INPUT "YEAR="; B$   ... Assigns keyboard input to variable B$.
30  C$ = A$ + B$        ... Assigns combination of A$ and B$ to C$.
40  PRINT C$            ... Displays contents of C$.
50  END

In the above example program, entering a year such as 1990 in line 20 results in a display of AD1990 to line 40.

Array Variables

Both numeric variables and string variables can store only one data item per variable. Because of this, large amounts of data are better handled using array variables (usually referred to as simply “arrays”). Before an array variable can be used within a program, a DIM statement must appear at the beginning of the program to “declare” to the computer that an array variable is to be employed.


Declare array variable A for storage of 21 data items.

10  DIM A(20)


Find the sum (X) and the sum of squares (Y) for the following 10 data items:

10, 12, 9, 11, 13, 14, 11, 12, 9, 10

The following program would be required to perform the calculation if only simple numeric variables are used:

10  A1=10: A2=12: A3=9: A4=11: A5=13    ⎫ Assigns values to each
20  A6=14: A7=11: A8=12: A9=9: A10=10   ⎭ variable
30  X=A1+A2+A3+A4+A5+A6+A7+A8+A9+A10  ... Calculates sum
30  Y=A1^2+A2^2+A3^2+A4^2+A5^2+A6^2+
      A7^2+A8^2+A9^2+A10^2            ... Caculates sum of squares

The program becomes much simpler when an array is used.

10  DIM A(10)
20  A(1)=10: A(2)=12: A(3)=9: A(4)=11: A(5)=13  ⎫ Assigns values to
30  A(6)=14: A(7)=11: A(8)=12: A(9)=9: A(10)=10 ⎭ array
40  X=0: Y=0
50  FOR I=1 TO 10          ⎫
60  X=X+A(I): Y=Y+A(I)^2   ⎬ Calculates sum and sum of squares
70  NEXT I                 ⎭

At first glance, the array may appear to be rather troublesome to use, but it actually makes programming simpler when large volumes of data are being assigned.


100 data items

Numeric variables

10  A1=61: A2=38: A3=90: A4=37: A5=99       ⎫ 
20  A6=12: A7=17: A8=94: A9=39: A10=75      ⎪ 
30  A11=24: A12=84: A13=46: A14=18: A15=55  ⎪
...                                         ⎬ Assigns values to variables
...                                         ⎪
170 A81=91: a82=46: A83=23: A84=37: A85=84  ⎪
180 A86=65: A87=23: A88=98: A89=51: A90=30  ⎪
190 A91=57: A92=78: A93=16: A94=39: A95=46  ⎪
200 A96=59: A97=24: A98=32: A99=74: A100=47 ⎭
210 X=A1+A2+A3+A4+....+A49+A50              ⎫
220 X=X+A51+A52+A53+...+A99+A100            ⎭ Calculates sum 
230 Y=A1^2+A2^2+...+A39^2+A40^2             ⎫
240 Y=Y+A41^2+A42^2+...+A79^2+A80^2         ⎬ Calculates sum of squares
250 Y=Y+A81^2+A82^2+...+A99^2+A100^2        ⎭


10  DIM A(10)
20  FOR I=1 TO 100: READ A(I): NEXT I  ⎬ Assigns values to array
30  X=0: Y=0
40  FOR I=1 TO 10          ⎫
50  X=X+A(I): Y=Y+A(I)^2   ⎬ Calculates sum and sum of squares
60  NEXT I                 ⎭
70  DATA 61,38,90,37,99    ⎫
80  DATA 12,17,94,39,75    │
90  DATA 24,84,46,18,55    │
...                        ⎬ Data
...                        │
240 DATA 65,23,98,51,30    │
250 DATA 57,78,16,39,46    │
260 DATA 59,24,32,74,47    ⎭

A look at these programs reveals that an increase in data entails virtually no change in the portion which calculates the sum and sum of squares. The only changes would be in lines 10, 20 and 40, where the constant would be changed from 10 to 100.

Again, the concept of the array can be better grasped by thinking of them as boxes. Previously, a simple variable was described as a single box. Arrays, on the other hand, would be a series of numbered boxes which form a set.

│ A(0) │ A(1) │ A(2) │ A(3) │ A(4) │ A(5) │ A(6) │ A(7) │ A(8) │ A(9) |...

As illustrated above, the array A(9) actually contains a total of ten boxes, number from A(0) to A(9), with each box capable of holding a different value. The actual term used to refer to a box is “element”. Recalling a stored value is performed by simply specifying the corresponding element number.


Recall value stored in element 4 of array A

X=4: Y=A(X)

The value which specifies an element in an array (4 above) is called a subscript.

Until now, the only arrays covered have been those formed by a single line of elements or “boxes”. These are known as one-dimensional arrays. Arrays may also contain more than one dimension with elements connected vertically and horizontally into two-dimensional and three-dimensional arrays.


DIM A(2, 3)
│ A(2,0) │ A(2,1) │ A(2,2) │ A(2,3) │
│ A(1,0) │ A(1,1) │ A(1,2) │ A(1,3) │
│ A(0,0) │ A(0,1) │ A(0,2) │ A(0,3) │

The declaration in this example sets up an array of three lines and four columns, making it capable of storing 12 different values.

Numeric arrays and string arrays

As with simple variables, arrays can also be declared to hold strings by using the “$” symbol following an array variable name. Again remember, numeric values cannot be assigned to string arrays and strings cannot be assigned to numeric arrays.


The following procedure is used to declare an array and store the data for five individuals and their points scored during a certain game.

String array N$(5) declared for names Numeric array P(5) declared for points

10  DIM N$(5), P(5)  ... Declaration of arrays to store names and points
20  FOR I=1 TO 5
30  READ A$, X
40  N$(I)=A$         ... Stores names to string array
50  P(I)=X           ... Stores points to numeric array
60  NEXT I
70  END
80  DATA SMITH, 70 BROWN, 68, JONES, 87, CARTER, 80, MILLS, 74


Variable Types

The three following types of variables are available for use within this unit.

1. Numeric variables (up to 12-digit mantissa)  A, a, NUMBER, POINTS
2. String variables (up to 255 characters)      A$, STRING$
3. Array variables ──┬─── Numeric array         A(10), XX(3,3,3)
                     └─── String array          A$(10), ARRAY$(2,2)

Variable Names


  1. Arrays are declared by DIM statements.
  2. Elements described by subscripts which are integers greater than 0. Fractions are disregarded.
  3. The number of dimensions is limited by stack capacity.
  4. The maximum value of subscripts is limited by memory capacity.

Variable/Array Application

  1. Variables and arrays can be used jointly by all program areas.
  2. Arrays cannot be used unless first declared using the DIM statement.

Counting Bytes used by Variables

The following outlines the number of bytes reserved when a variable appears the first time within a program.

Category Size / bytes
Name 3
Size 4x4x6x3=288
Dimension 4
Calculation (3+4)+(288x8)+4x2+1 = 2320

Calculating Program Length The following shows points which must be considered when calculating memory requirements for programs.

Category Size / bytes
Line numbers 2 bytes per line number, regardless of number length (1~65535)
Commands 2 bytes per command
Functions 2 bytes per function
Numeric/alphabetic characters 1 byte per character (spaces are counted as characters)
EXE Key 1 byte per EXE key operation at end of program line (for storage of line)

1 byte added to the sum of the above.


10  A = SIN X

2 (line number) + 1 (space following line number) + 1 (A) + 1 (=) + 2 (SIN) + 1 (space) + 1 (X) + 1 (EXE) + 1 = 11

This calculation indicates that a total of 11 bytes are required for storage of the above program.

*The space following the line number is added automatically.


The following save and load procedures can only be performed when the FA-6 interface unit is used.

Program Save

Programs stored in the memory of the unit are protected by the memory back up battery even when the power of the unit is switched OFF. The entire contents of the memory, however, are deleted whenever bot the main power supply batteries and the memory back up batteries are removed from the unit at the same time, or when the NEW ALL command is executed. Program area contents can be stored onto standard cassette tapes to protect against loss of important data, or to make room for further programming when all program areas are full. The following two commands are available for such save operations.

SAVE: Saves contents of the current program area.

SAVE ALL: Saves entire contents of all program areas.

EXAMPLE: Executing SAVE in this case saves the contents of program area P0, while SAVE ALL would save the contents of the program areas P0 through P9.

SAVE EXE │ SAVE                           │(Saves program in pro-
         │                                │ gram area 0)
         │ SAVE                           │
         │ Ready P0                       │(Save complete)

Filenames up to eight characters long can also be assigned to programs stored on cassette tapes using the SAVE and SAVE ALL commands.


         │ SAVE "BASIC"                   │(Saves program under
         │                                │ filename "BASIC")
         │ SAVE "BASIC"                   │
         │ Ready P0                       │(Save complete)

Program Verify

The VERIFY command makes it possible to verify whether the program saved using SAVE

EXAMPLE: Verify correct save of the program BASIC


         │ VERIFY "BASIC"                 │(Verification of saved
         │                                │ program)
         │ BASIC     B                    │(Finds specified pro-
         │                                │ gram and verifies)
         │ BASIC     B                    │
         │ Ready P0                       │(Verification complete)

If the Ready prompt does not appear after some time, check whether the filename entered with the VERIFY command is correct. If it is correct, adjust the volume level of the cassette recorder being used and repeat the verification procedure.

         │ PO error       o               │
         │ Ready P0                       │ 

The error message illustrated above indicates that the program was not saved correctly. In this case, check the following items:

Note also that an error will be generated if a program exists on the tape with the same name as that currently present in the computer memory, but the contents of the two programs are different.

*The VERIFY command automatically determines whether the program being checked was saved using the SAVE or SAVE ALL command.

Program Load

Programs stored on cassette tapes using the SAVE and SAVE ALL can be loaded into the computer using the LOAD and LOAD ALL commands.

EXAMPLE: Load the program “BASIC” from cassette tape into memory.

LOAD     │ LOAD                           │(Program load
         │                                │ command)
         │ BASIC       B                  │(Program filename)
         │                                │
         │                                │
         │ Ready P0                       │(Load complete)

Note that executing the LOAD and LOAD ALL commands while programs are already stored in memory deletes the current memory contents.

The LOAD ALL command can be used to load programs to all the program areas (P0~P9). Specifying a filename in the LOAD and LOAD ALL commands causes the unit to search for the specified filename for loading into memory. The following table shows the relationship between the LOAD, LOAD ALL, SAVE and SAVE ALL commands.

  LOAD LOAD “filename” LOAD ALL LOAD ALL “filename”
SAVE “filename”
SAVE ALL “filename”

NOTE: See PART 7 PERIPHERAL DEVICES for details on using the SAVE and LOAD commands.